Jenine Tankoos, known as “Green Jenine,” has been working with environmental causes for over 25 years. Inspired by her son Aaron’s early passion for the Earth and all its creatures, Jenine decided to create this book as a way that the two of them could work together to inspire more families to also become Earth’s caretakers. Jenine’s background includes working as a scientist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, volunteering as an educator for the Wildlife Conservation Society, chairing her town’s environmental commission, and serving as a trustee for the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions. Jenine has received numerous awards, including the Community Catalyst Award from One Change, which recognizes an outstanding community leader who has acted as a catalyst for significant environmental action. As a professional photographer, Jenine’s favorite place to create portraits is outdoors in nature.
For updates on all things "green", follow Jenine on Twitter.
To see recycle bins from around the world, follow Jenine on Instagram.
Aaron Diament is the youngest winner of the Garden State Green Award, honored when he was a third-grader for inspiring others with his conservation activities focusing on monarch butterflies. Aaron began raising the butterflies when he was 8, starting with just one caterpillar in his bedroom. With his mom Jenine’s help, he has now raised and released hundreds of butterflies from a backyard tent. Aaron also advocates for monarch butterflies and their endangered migratory path at fairs and other events, encouraging people to plant milkweed on which monarch butterflies depend. Along with his interest in environmental concerns, nature, and animals, Aaron enjoys puzzles, video games, Perler beading, and sports, especially skiing. He lives in New Jersey with his parents, big brother, and the family cat.
Aaron in the news: